Author: Joy Callaway
Genre: Historical Fiction
Synopsis: Joy Callaway's debut novel tells a fictionalized version of a family story passed down through generations. The Loftins are a family of artists struggling to keep their Bronx home in the 1890s. Virginia Loftin wants nothing more than to be taken seriously as a writer and to marry her childhood friend Charlie. When Charlie proposes to another woman because of her wealth, Virginia (Ginny) is crushed and puts everything into writing a novel based on their love. To help her move on and share her work, Ginny's brother, Franklin, takes her to the home of a friend who hosts an Artists Society that actually allows women to attend and share their ideas. The friendships they make at The Society lead the Loftin's into a world unlike their own, and when tragedy strikes it threatens to tear their family apart.
My Thoughts
This book was nothing like I expected it to be, in the best way possible. I thought it was going to be a coming of age story for a young woman who realizes there is more to life than the man who proposed to someone else, but it was that and much more. It really reached into the complexity of family life of the upper middle class in the late 19th century; the epic battle between unconditional love and doing what is best for the family.
This novel also explores the art scene emerging in New York at the time as well as questionable medical practice that was then considered “state the art.”
This story has twists and turns and the shock factor that can only be found in a story that has bits of truth and has been embellished over time as it was passed from generation to generation. It is so cool to read a story that has been in the author's family for so many years.
I really enjoyed reading this novel, I think it is unique in a way that allows it to resonate with many different readers.
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To see more from the author, visit the website linked above
This book was nothing like I expected it to be, in the best way possible. I thought it was going to be a coming of age story for a young woman who realizes there is more to life than the man who proposed to someone else, but it was that and much more. It really reached into the complexity of family life of the upper middle class in the late 19th century; the epic battle between unconditional love and doing what is best for the family.
This novel also explores the art scene emerging in New York at the time as well as questionable medical practice that was then considered “state the art.”
This story has twists and turns and the shock factor that can only be found in a story that has bits of truth and has been embellished over time as it was passed from generation to generation. It is so cool to read a story that has been in the author's family for so many years.
I really enjoyed reading this novel, I think it is unique in a way that allows it to resonate with many different readers.
Comment below if you have read this book or have suggestions for others like it!
To buy this book from Amazon now, click on the image at the top of the post.
To see more from the author, visit the website linked above