Title: The Women of Chateau Lafayette
Author: Stephanie DrayGenre: Historical Fiction
Other books by this author that I've read: America's First Daughter, My Dear Hamilton
Synopsis: "Most castles are protected by men. This one by women.
A founding mother...
1774. Gently-bred noblewoman Adrienne Lafayette becomes her husband, the Marquis de Lafayette’s political partner in the fight for American independence. But when their idealism sparks revolution in France and the guillotine threatens everything she holds dear, Adrienne must renounce the complicated man she loves, or risk her life for a legacy that will inspire generations to come.
A daring visionary...
1914. Glittering New York socialite Beatrice Chanler is a force of nature, daunted by nothing—not her humble beginnings, her crumbling marriage, or the outbreak of war. But after witnessing the devastation in France firsthand, Beatrice takes on the challenge of a lifetime: convincing America to fight for what's right.
A reluctant resistor...
1940. French school-teacher and aspiring artist Marthe Simone has an orphan's self-reliance and wants nothing to do with war. But as the realities of Nazi occupation transform her life in the isolated castle where she came of age, she makes a discovery that calls into question who she is, and more importantly, who she is willing to become." - Back Cover
My Thoughts
This novel has been on my TBR list for a while now and I'm so glad I finally got to it! A book with storylines from the American Revolution, French Revolution, WWI, and WWII? What more could I ask for in a story?
This novel has been on my TBR list for a while now and I'm so glad I finally got to it! A book with storylines from the American Revolution, French Revolution, WWI, and WWII? What more could I ask for in a story?
While each woman's story stands alone, they are beautifully woven together through a shared home, a belief in fighting for what is right, and helping those without a voice. The romantic relationships each of the women have are complex, gritty, and wonderfully human in their imperfections; not fairytale love but love nonetheless.
The relationship between The United States and France and the critical roles each played in helping ensure a future for both countries is also highlighted throughout the novel. Just like Lafayette and Adrienne, one would not be its best without the other.
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